This walk-through will show you how to add equipment and link your sprayers to a tractor
After you have logged into your account go to your My Farm page, and select Equipment.

If your account has already been setup, there will be tractors and sprayers listed. From this page you are able to edit, inactivate, and add new equipment as needed/.

To add a new piece of equipment click on the "Add New" button.

After you have clicked on New you will be given a blank information list. To start you will want to enter a name, and select the equipment type from the Type drop down. Click on the Submit button to save your changes.
When you select sprayer from the type list you will be given some additional places to enter calibration method and to link the sprayer to a tractor.

If you are adding a sprayer you can link it to any tractor that is currently in you equipment list by selecting it from the Tractor dropdown.

If you have multiple locations, and you want to limit what locations have access to a piece of equipment all you need to do is uncheck the All Locations check box. This will expand the locations section. This is where you can select which locations you want to have access to the piece of equipment you added.

Check the boxes next to the locations you want and then click on Submit.