You've copied or cloned a recommendation, and now you see these little red X's next to the products. What are they? What should you do about them?
The Red X in the recommendation editor is telling you that there has been a change to that product label data, in between when you wrote the original rec and now. The change could be label data itself, or the label data source info has changed. It could be a target, crop, usage, or rate change.
We are letting you know about it so you can fix it before you send this recommendation, to help you make sure you are giving your clients the most accurate and up-to-date information possible.
What do you have to do about it? You HAVE to do nothing. This is completely optional (but highly recommended).
Take a look at the steps below:
Step 1) Click on the red X next to the product you want to fix.
Step 2: Hover over the triangle to see what's wrong. You'll see the original crop, target and rates in the top box, and once you select your crop and target from the drop down list, you'll see the updated rates in the lower box.
*These may be the same as the what you saw above, but the product label data source has been updated on the back-end.
Step 3: You can edit the rate, PHI or REI if you so chose. When you are finished, click Apply. Now that red x will be a green check and you can move on with confidence.