Here we will show you how to use the RECs page to find and filter your application records

On the top of your Recs page you will see a set of search options. You can search by Location, Crop, Stage, Timing, or Field Type by selecting what you want to filter by in the dropdowns. In the Search box you can search for product, EPA, document name, or document number. Once you have entered all of the filters you want click on Filter. Clicking on Show All will reset your filters.

Just above your list of documents you will see another set of filters. Here you can set how may documents you see at a time, their current status, and the time period of which you want to view the documents. By default the status filter is set to All Current this only shows documents that are new or completed. If you want to search for records that are Archived or  Ended then change the status to either Archived, Ended, or All. You will need to click on Filter again to apply these filters.