Entering product rates will NO LONGER automatically change your amounts after you change the unit of measure. No more having to remember to change UOM first, or risking not noticing that the rate changed.
Enter 2, change it to gallons, and poof "2 gallons" is what remains.
HOWEVER - math isn't always fun, especially when you're busy, so if you still want us to do the conversion for you, we can! Click the calculator icon to get the amount you want in the UOM you want. Click apply to use the new UOM.
**We still need to warn you if you've gone over the label limit. If the default rate is .75 gallons, and you want to change it to 3 quarts, you'll see the "are you sure?" pop up box after you put in the 3. Click Keep, and as soon as you change it to quarts, the little appended 'check the rate for ___ product" line at the bottom of the rec will disappear.