Converting a Recommendation into an Application Record


In this tutorial we will walk you through the steps from receiving a recommendation to converting it into an application record. From the home page select “Recs” on the top menu bar.

From there make sure you are in the recommendation section.


A screenshot of a web page

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Scroll to the recommendation you would like to convert, on the left side of the page select the blue icon with an arrow.



This will take you to the landing page where you are able to complete multiple steps simultaneously. (Ensure your browser allows popups.) From this page you can decide which action you would like to perform. If you will complete the work exactly as it is written select “Use As-Is”. If there are some changes select “Make Changes” this will transition you to an editor where you are able to make any changes you would like. Lastly is “Ignore” if you do not plan on completing this recommendation.

A picture containing text, number, font, receipt

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After selecting “Use As-Is” the page will refresh, at this point you are able to print the load sheet, REI posting, and assign the application record to a manager.



A screenshot of a computer

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